Convert an Instagram Profile to a Business Profile

Instagram features available on Auto.Social, you need to make sure your Instagram account is a Business profile

If you’re not sure what type of Instagram profile you have, See How to check your Instagram profile type

Before you begin

To convert your Instagram profile, you need:

  • A Facebook Page to connect your Instagram profile to.

  • Only one Instagram profile can be connected to a Facebook Page and vice versa. If you need to create a new one, see the Facebook help article How do I create a Facebook Page

  • An Admin or Editor page role for that Facebook Page if it’s a Classic Page type or Facebook access with full control or partial control on a New Page type. See the Facebook help article How do I see what my role is on a Facebook Page

  • If the Page is an asset in Facebook Business Manager, you need management access to the Page in the Business Manager account as well. See the Facebook help article Add people to your Business Manager

Convert an Instagram Personal Profile to a Business Profile

1. Sign in to Facebook and select Pages from the menu on the left.

2. Select the Page you want to connect your Instagram profile to.

3. Select Settings at the bottom of the Manage Page menu on the left.

4. Select Instagram in the Page settings menu.

5. Select Connect account, and then select Continue.

6. Enter your Instagram account credentials (username & password) and then select Log In.

7. You may be prompted automatically to convert your Instagram profile. Choose Business. If not, select Get Started or Switch Now to convert your Personal profile to a Business profile.

8. Now follow the instructions at Connect your Instagram Account to Auto.Social

Convert an Instagram Creator profile to a Business Profile

Important: If you add a Creator profile to Auto.Social it will be labeled Business, but due to limitations from Instagram, will not have access to direct publishing.

If you have an Instagram Creator profile, follow these steps to convert it to a Business profile in Instagram:

1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile, and then select the menu in the top right.

2. Select Settings, and then select Account.

3. Scroll to the bottom of Account, select Switch account type, and then Switch to business account.

4. Now follow the instructions at Connect an Instagram account to a Facebook Page to finish setting up your Business profile.

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Connect an Instagram account to a Facebook Page

To access all the Instagram features available in Auto.Social, including direct publishing, your Business profile must be connected to a Facebook Page. You don’t need to publish to the Page when you use Instagram, but the permissions to manage your Instagram profile are granted to Auto.Social through Facebook. This is a requirement from Facebook (which owns Instagram).

Before you begin

Confirm that your Instagram profile is a Business profile.

Confirm that you have an Admin or Editor Page role for the Facebook Page if it’s a Classic Page type or Facebook access with full control or partial control on a New Page type. See the Facebook help article How do I see what my role is on a Facebook Page?

  • If the Page is an asset in Facebook Business Manager, you need management access to the Page in the Business Manager account as well. See the Facebook help article Add People to Your Business Manager.

Connect your Instagram account to a Facebook Page

Note: Only one Instagram profile can be connected to a Facebook Page and vice versa. See How do I create a Facebook Page? if you need to create a new one.

1. Sign in to your Facebook account.

2. Select Pages on the left, and then select the Page.

3. Select Settings at the bottom of the Manage Page menu on the left.

4. Select Instagram from the Page settings menu.

5. Select Connect account.

6. Enter your Instagram account credentials (username and password) and then select Log In.

7. Now follow the instructions at Connect your Instagram Account to Auto.Social

Still not working? Please call 0161 638 3695 and one of the team will be happy to help

How to check your Instagram profile type

Instagram offers three profile types: Personal, Business, and Creator. For full access to the Instagram features available on Auto.Social, you need to make sure your Instagram account is a Business profile

If you’re not sure what type of Instagram profile you have, here’s how to find out:

1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile, and then select the profile menu in the top right.

2. Select Settings from the list, and then select Account.

3. On the Account page, scroll to the bottom. The options you see there tell you what type of Instagram profile you have.

  • Personal profiles show the Switch to Professional Account option.
  • Creator profiles show the Switch account type > Switch to Personal Account and Switch to Business Account options.
  • Business profiles show the Switch account type > Switch to Personal Account and Switch to Creator Account options.

To use Auto.Social, you need to make sure your Instagram account is a Business profile.

If you don’t have a Business profile yet, see Convert an Instagram profile to a Business profile.

Still not working? Please call 0161 638 3695 and one of the team will be happy to help

Help Links

Convert an Instagram profile to a Business profile.
Connect your Instagram Account to Auto.Social.
Connect an Instagram account to a Facebook page.

Troubleshoot an Instagram business connection.

Instagram Troubleshooting

To access all the Instagram features available in Auto.Social, you need an Instagram Business profile connected to a Facebook Page. This is a requirement from Instagram (which Facebook owns).

Instagram Business setup checklist

Instagram offers three profile types: Personal, Business, and Creator. Only Business profiles have access to all the Instagram functionality in Auto.Social. All Instagram accounts start out as Personal by default, but you can convert them to a Business account at any time so that it works with Auto.Social. See How to check your profile type and Convert an Instagram profile to a Business profile to find out more.

Important: If your Instagram account is a Creator profile, you will be able to connect it with Auto.Social, however due to limitations from Instagram, will not be able to post from Auto.Social to your Instagram. See Convert Creator profile to Business profile.

To access all the Instagram features available on Auto.Social, your Business profile must be connected to a Facebook Page. Because Facebook owns Instagram, the permissions to manage your Instagram profile are granted to Auto.Social through Facebook. You don’t need to publish to the Facebook Page when you use Instagram with Auto.Social. Only one Instagram profile can be connected to a Facebook Page and vice versa. If you need to create a new Page, see Facebook’s help article How do I create a Facebook Page?

To connect Instagram to Facebook, and to connect to Auto.Social, you need to have the right Facebook permissions. You need an Admin or Editor role on a Classic Page type or Facebook access with full control or partial control on a New Page type. See Facebook’s help article How do I see what my role is on a Facebook Page? for more information. Only Page Admins can manage roles. See Facebook’s help article How do I manage roles for my Facebook Page? to learn more.

If you do have the correct role on the Page, but are still getting errors that say you need to be an admin, see the next checklist item.

If your business’ Facebook Page is an asset in a Business Manager account, you need management access to it in that account as well. See Add users to your Business Manager for more information.

Connect your Business profile to your Page in the Page’s settings on Facebook. See Connect an Instagram account to a Facebook Page for instructions.

If your Instagram account is connected in your Page’s settings, but you’re still getting an error that there is no Instagram Business profile linked to the Page, see Review the connection between Instagram and Facebook.

Troubleshoot issues adding an Instagram Business profile

When connecting a Business profile to Auto.Social, you may encounter one of the following issues after signing in to Facebook:

“There is no Instagram business profile linked to this Facebook Page.”

If you see this message, it can mean 1 of 3 things:

Review the connection between Instagram and Facebook

When adding an Instagram Business account to Auto.Social, it’s common for Auto.Social to display “There is no Instagram business profile linked to this Facebook Page,” even when the Instagram account appears to be connected in the Facebook Page’s settings.

This is because either Instagram or Facebook still requires you to confirm the connection between Instagram and Facebook. You should find one of the following prompts on either your Facebook Page or in your Instagram app:

Follow these steps to check your Instagram connection in Facebook:

1. Sign in to your Facebook account.

2. Select Pages on the left, and then select the Page.

3. Select Settings at the bottom of the Manage Page menu on the left.

4. Select Instagram from the Page Settings menu. You might see a prompt to Review Account Connection.

5. Select Review Connection and follow the prompts to complete the flow. You might be done after completing this step, or you might see another message that requires further steps. See Add users to your Business Manager.

Follow these steps to check your Facebook connection in Instagram:

1. Open the Instagram mobile app and sign in to your Instagram Business profile.

2. Select your profile picture, and then select Edit Profile.

3. Under Public Business Information, you might see an orange Confirm button next to your connected Facebook Page.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is editprofile.jpg

4. Select Confirm and follow the prompts to complete the confirmation flow. You might be done after completing this step, or you might see another message that requires further steps. See Add users to your Business Manager.

Add users to your Business Manager

After confirming the connection between Instagram and Facebook, you may see one of the following messages:

  • “The Facebook Page you’ve tried to add is already owned by another business. You can still request access to this Page, but your request will need to be approved by the business that owns it.”

  • “You must be an admin of the associated Page’s business in Business Manager to confirm the Instagram account.”

These prompts mean that the Facebook Page is an asset in a Business Manager account, so you need full management access to it there as well. An Admin of the Business Manager account needs to add you to the business and assign the Page as one of your business assets using the following instructions. See also Facebook’s help article Add People to Your Business Manager.

1. In a new browser tab, use this direct link to sign in to the settings of your Facebook Business Manager account:

2. Select People under Users on the left, and then select Add to add a new user.

3. Enter the user’s email address, assign them a business role, and then select Next.

4. Select Pages, select the specific Page in the middle column, and then select the last toggle, Manage Page.

5. Select Invite.

Confirm you have the correct access in Business Manager:

1. In a new browser tab, use this direct link to sign in to your Facebook Business Manager account settings:

2. Select People under Users, and then select your name from the People list.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is business.jpg

3. Make sure the Facebook Page connected to your Instagram Business profile is listed under your Assigned Assets.

4. Select the arrow next to the Page to view your permissions for the Page. Make sure that the last toggle, Manage Page, is turned on.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is manage.jpg

Now you’re ready to add your Instagram Business account to Auto.Social.

Still not working? Please call 0161 638 3695 and one of the team will be happy to help

Connect your Instagram Account to Auto.Social

Instagram offers three profile types: Personal, Business, and Creator. For full access to the Instagram features available on Auto.Social, you need to make sure your Instagram account is a Business profile. Find out more about each Instagram profile type

Before you begin

1. You need An Instagram Business profile connected to a Facebook Page.

2. An Admin or Editor Page role for the connected Facebook Page if it’s a Classic Page type or Facebook access with full control or partial control on a New Page type. If the Page is an asset in Facebook Business Manager, you also need management access to the Page in the Business Manager account.

Add your Instagram Business Account to Auto.Social

1. Open your Auto.Social account and click the Connect Instagram button on the home screen, followed by the Log In To Facebook button

2. A Facebook pop-up will appear, either asking you to login or if already logged in, to confirm that is the account you want to use > click Continue as {your Facebook profile name} This does not add your profile to Auto.Social, it only authorizes Auto.Social to access any Pages associated with it.

3. Select the Instagram Business Account you want to add to Auto.Social, then click Next

4. Select the Facebook Page that is connected to your Instagram Business Account, then click Next

5. All the permissions needed will already be ticked, so simply click DONE

6. Your Instagram page is now linked to Auto.Social, click OK

7. Your Instagram Business Account will now show in our pop-up – choose the account you want to connect to Auto.Social and click ADD then Done– your Instagram will now be synced with Auto.Social

If you see “There is no Instagram business profile linked to this Facebook Page,” “Your Page role must be admin or editor to add this Instagram profile,” or your Page does not appear at all, see Troubleshoot issues adding an Instagram Business profile

Still not working? Please call 0161 638 3695 and one of the team will be happy to help

Help Links

Overview of Instagram profiles
Convert an Instagram profile to a Business profile
Connect an Instagram account to a Facebook page
Troubleshoot an Instagram business connection

Connect your Facebook Page to Auto.Social

Add a Facebook account to Auto.Social to publish posts and engage with your Facebook audience through a Facebook Page.

Before you begin

Make sure that your personal Facebook account has management permissions for the Page you want to add to Auto.Social. You must sign in with your account to give Auto.Social access to your Page(s). However, you don’t need to add your personal Facebook profile to Auto.Social.

Do the following: Make sure that your Facebook account has a Page role of Admin or Editor. You can do this on the Facebook Page or through Facebook Business Manager. To learn more, see Manage Page Settings in the Facebook help centre.

The use of two-factor authentication is required for your Facebook account if your Page is in Business Manager (see the Facebook help Turn on Two-factor Authentication for Business Manager).

Add your Facebook Page to Auto.Social

1. Open your Auto.Social account and click the Connect Facebook button on the home screen.

2. A Facebook pop-up will appear, either asking you to login or if already logged in, to confirm that is the account you want to use > click Continue as {your Facebook profile name} This does not add your profile to Auto.Social, it only authorizes Auto.Social to access any Pages associated with it.

3. Select the page you want to add to Auto.Social and click NEXT

4. All the permissions needed will already be ticked, so simply click DONE

5. Your Facebook page is now linked to Auto.Social, click OK

6. Your connected pages will now show in our pop-up – choose the page you want to connect to Auto.Social and click ADD – your page will now be synced with Auto.Social

Troubleshoot problems adding a Facebook Page

If you encounter any problems while adding a Facebook account, check the following solutions to resolve them.

Your Page is greyed out and you cannot select it

If your Page is greyed out, you don’t have the required Admin or Editor Page permissions to add it to Auto.Social. Make sure that your Facebook account has a Page role of Admin or Editor.

You are directed to your Facebook Page after entering your Facebook credentials

If you are directed to your Facebook Page after signing in to Facebook, you are likely using a “grey” account. Facebook grey accounts are old account types that are no longer supported by Facebook. They are used to administer a Facebook Page without an associated personal Facebook account, and they have their own login credentials.

To fix the issue, make sure you have an Admin role for the Facebook Page in the Page’s settings. Then retry adding the Page to Auto.Social using the previous instructions. However, this time, sign in to Facebook with the credentials for your account instead. For more information, see How do I manage roles for my Facebook Page in the Facebook Help Centre

Still not working? Please call 0161 638 3695 and one of the team will be happy to help